SQL Tutorial ROLLUP and CUBE
rollup( ), cube( ) clause are used to calculate subtotal, grand total. it will generate subtotals for all combinations of the dimensions specified.
rollup( ), cube( ) clause are used to calculate subtotal, grand total. it will generate subtotals for all combinations of the dimensions specified.
This tutorial shows use of Order by clause for sorting data either in ascending order or in descending order.
The HAVING clause used because we are not allowed to use WHERE clause after GROUP BY clause. If we want to restrict something in a table then we are using HAVING clause followed by GROUP BY clause.
Group by clause is used to arrange similar data items into set of logical groups. If a column having same values in multiple rows then it will arrange those rows into a group. We can also use group by clause without using group functions.
Here we are going to connect mysql with python using mysql-connector. and going to perform few basic CRUD operations.
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Pivot using dynamic sql query for unknown values in the column and that needs to be transpose that means to convert rows into columns.
Pivot and UnPivot for converting rows to columns and columns to rows in SQL Server.