Hello programmers today we are going to know about Jupyter. Before getting started lets have an little introduction about Jupyter like What is Jupyter? Where we can use it? How to use Jupyter in python?. To know answers of all this questions get started.
The Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application provided by Jupyter Community that allows us to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations. We can Use this type of notebooks in various fields including data cleaning and transformation, numerical simulation, statistical modeling, data visualization, machine learning, and many more. it’s an non-profit open source project which is born out of IPython project in 2014. and then it’s upgraded to support various but major fields like data science, data analysis, machine learning in any programming language. The Jupyter Notebook can be used in almost every programming language.
In the beginning intro we assume that you got the basic intro and information about what is jupyter and its major uses. So we are ready to install it in our system and get start with using it. So Jupyter can be installed in many ways in your system. like conda or pip. Today we are going to install it using pip command. So make sure you have successfully installed Python 3.x in your system. ( If not you can download it from official website.)
After installing python open the command prompt and enter the following command to install classic jupyter notebook in your system
pip3 install notebook
A stable internet connection is required for installing jupyter notebook and its supported files. After getting successfully installed message from command prompt enter the following command to start jupyter notebook in your default browser.
jupyter notebook
After entering above command background process will run and home page of jupyter notebook with directory tree of local system will open like below.
That’s it you have successfully installed and opened jupyter notebook successfully.
In the next blog we will learn how to use jupyter notebook and their magic commands. So stay tuned.
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