Installing Nodejs and Nativescript

Hello There !


For Installing the Node.js in your operating System, Simply follow following Steps

  1. Visit Node.Js site
  2. Download the Node.js according to your Operating System(Windows,Linux,Mac,etc).
  3. Simply Run the Downloaded file and follow the steps and Finish Installation
  4. for more Information about Node.js , visit this link


For Installing NativeScript in your system

  1. Open your terminal or command prompt
  2. Execute the following command to install the NativeScript CLI, which is the Node.js package manager:
  3. sudo npm install -g nativescript
  4. After completing the setup, There should be two commands available on the terminal/command prompt: tns (short for Telerik NativeScript) and nativescript.
  5. These two commands are identical, so stick with the shorter tns.
  6. Go ahead and verify that the installation was successful by running tns in your terminal or command prompt. You should see a long list of commands that starts with this section:

For Full Setup of NativeScript,

If you’re running Windows, run command as an administrator and press Enter:

@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString(''))"


If you are using Antivirus Software,Make sure to stop until Nativescript gets installed.


For Other OS like Linux or Mac, visit on this link

For Installing NativeScript Playground App

  1. Go to Playstore
  2. Search for NativeScript Playground